Marc Progin: Back to Nature

A photographic journey through Mongolia

Project Specs


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Appreciation towards Blue Lotus Gallery for providing the following description:

瑞士旅行家和摄影师Marc Progin将于2020年6月5日至7月5日在香港Blue Lotus画廊举办其首次个人展“回到自然”(Back to Nature)。展出的内容包括Marc Progin在2007年至2019年间于蒙古拍摄的部分作品,其中半数作品是首次面世。特别地,展览还将预先呈现其新作《白垩纪》系列中的两幅,作为该系列在2021年正式问世前的特别预展。

Back to Nature marks Progin’s first solo show with Blue Lotus Gallery with a selection of fine art prints spanning a period of shooting in Mongolia between 2007-2019. Half the works are completely unseen and even two photographs have been selected as a special preview for his new body of work titled ‘Cretaceous’ set to be premiered in 2021.

*所有照片版权属于 © Marc Progin

“回到自然”(Back to Nature)讲述了一段关于蒙古的旅行故事:穿越社会和城市的藩篱,将视野伸向远处,与天空、大地和自然重新建立连接。走过四季,穿越沙漠、山川和草原。一路上你将邂逅游牧民族、野生动物、迁徙的鸟类、猎人,还有骆驼和马背上的商人队伍。

Back to nature is a photographic journey through Mongolia, with Marc Progin, that bypasses the walls of societies and the cities to enlarge our horizon and reconnect with the 3 worlds that are the sky, the earth and nature. Travelling the seasons, across the deserts, the mountains and the Steppe, you will meet on the way with nomads, the wildlife, migrating birds, the hunters and ride on camel or horse back along with their caravans.

©Marc Progin

气候变化带来的全球焦虑,以及我们每日目睹的灾害与苦难,让我们对当今人类的生存和消费方式产生了前所未有的质疑。这些情绪正呼应了Marc Progin对蒙古的向往,而其随后创作的摄影和文字作品则是对这一系列混乱产生效果的解药。聆听古老部落传承下来的文化与智慧,尤其是在一切行动看似毫无意义的时候,将为我们带来适时的指引与启示。艺术与自然都有治愈和启迪的力量,本次展览亦是对这两种力量的一场深入挖掘。

The world has been in lockdown due to the ongoing pandemic and longing for connection to other human beings, animals and the earth as well as a strong pull towards working the land and rural living is emerging everywhere. This has been a time for re-evaluating many of the basic elements we accept to be ‘normal life.’ The global anxiety caused by climate change and the daily destruction and suffering being witnessed en masse results the questions being asked about modern existence and consumption are ever louder and more urgent. These sentiments echo Progin’s personal call toward Mongolia and his subsequent photographic work and written prose act as an antidote to the chaos around us. Listening to the wisdom of the still living ancient tribes and cultures offers guidance in times where action appears meaningless. Art and Nature have the ability to heal and to enlighten and this exhibition is deeply tuning-in to both.

© Marc Progin

Marc Progin,1945年出生于瑞士Neuchâtel郊区的一个工人家庭,1970年代定居于香港。在千禧年之交,Marc Progin开始作为旅行诗人踏上他探索未知世界的征程。现年75岁的Marc有着马拉松选手般的肌肉和身姿。

Born in a working-class suburb of Neuchâtel, Switzerland in 1945, Marc Progin, a former watchmaker, settled in Hong Kong in the 1970s, becoming a pioneer in the conquest of Asian markets. At the turn of the millennium, the call of the unknown guided him in a new life as a traveller-poet. Marc Progin is 75. Slender, the muscle dry, straight like a post, he has the physical look of the marathoner and of the ascetic, “I feel good in my head because I feel good in my body.”

地点:香港上环,Blue Lotus画廊一层

a photographic journey through Mongolia
5 June – 5 July 2020
Opening Reception: Friday 5 June, 6-8pm
Artist Talk with Marc Progin
RSVP required | First come first serve basis
Conducted in English – Cantonese translation available on request Saturday 6, 13, 20, and 27 June, 11-12.30pm
Venue: Blue Lotus Gallery, G/F 28 Pound Lane, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Opening Hours: Wednesday – Sunday, 11am–6pm
The artist will be available for interviews on request.
Event on Blue Lotus Gallery Website:
Event on Blue Lotus Gallery Facebook:
Artist Page on Blue Lotus Gallery Website:
Marc Progin Website:

More:Blue Lotus GalleryMarc Progin

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