Rugby Mizuhiki-Brooch by nendo

The combination between the traditional Japanese cord and the rugby

Project Specs


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Appreciation towards nendo for providing the following description:

这个水引结胸针系列是2019年日本橄榄球世界杯(Rugby World Cup 2019)的纪念礼物,用来赠送给从世界各地赶来日本观看比赛的商界领袖和贵宾们。水引结(Mizuhiki)是一种传统的日式装饰性绳结,由纸制成,作为一种纪念性的礼品,普遍用于婚礼或者悼念等特殊场合。据传,水引结起源于日本室町时代(Muromachi period),不仅是产品包装上的装饰,更是一种吉祥的兆头。根据绳结的具体颜色和形式,它既可以代表人与人之间的联系,也可以象征一种长久的感情和稳定的关系。值得一提的是,不同于普通的绳结,水引结的绳结点会越拉越紧。

A commemorative gift for the Rugby World Cup 2019 in Japan given out to business leaders and VIPs from around the world who came to Japan to watch the game. Mizuhiki is a traditional Japanese decorative cord made of paper used in gifts given at special occasions such as weddings and mourning events. Mizuhiki is said to have its origin in the Muromachi period, and is not simply just a gift wrapping tool but is more of an omen of good fortune. It symbolizes messages such as connection between people or a long lasting relationship, depending on the colour and the form of the meticulously tied knot, which is tied in a way that when pulled, rather than becoming untied, becomes even tighter.

▼橄榄球水引结胸针,the rugby mizuhiki-brooch

这种传统的水引结被设计成了一系列颜色不同的胸针,以代表参加本次世界杯的球队。因此水引结也就被赋予了更深层次的意义——它代表了橄榄球运动的核心价值观,例如团队协作精神、自我牺牲精神以及日本特有的好客精神等。每个球队的水引结在颜色上都采用与队服相同的配色,在形式上也采用了橄榄球争球中的“3-4-1”的形式。该胸针系列由Tsuda Mizuhiki Orikata的Rokusuke Tsuda——Kaga Mizuhiki公司创始人的第五代子孙负责设计和制作。

▼水引结在形式上采用了橄榄球争球中的“3-4-1”的形式,the knots are positioned in the same positions as the “3-4-1” formation of a scrum

This traditional Mizuhiki was designed into a brooch that represents the positions of rugby players forming a scrum. The Mizuhiki brooch thereby represents the values of rugby such as teamwork and self-sacrifice as well as the hospitality spirit which is unique to Japan. The colours of the uniforms used in the participating teams were used, and the knots are positioned in the same positions as the “3-4-1” formation of a scrum. The production was handled by Rokusuke Tsuda of the Tsuda Mizuhiki Orikata, who is the fifth generation of the founder of Kaga Mizuhiki, founded approximately a century ago.

▼每个球队的水引结在颜色上都采用与队服相同的配色,the colours of the uniforms used in the participating teams were used


▼装胸针的木盒外包裹着一块印有金色图案的布料,the lunchbox of brooches are wrapped in a cloth decorated with gold patterns

▼包裹着木盒的布料细节,布料上的图案代表着橄榄球运动的某些场景,details of the wrapping cloth that is decorated with an original pattern embellished with gold leaf expressing rugby scenes

After unravelling the wrapping cloth (furoshiki) created by Kyo-Yuzen techniques and decorated with an original pattern embellished with gold leaf expressing rugby scenes such as maul, ruck and lineout, a Japanese cypress (hinoki-asunaro) lunchbox made by a wood craft worker of Wajima lacquerware appears. Inside, there are two Mizuhiki brooches wrapped in Ozu washi paper bearing the same gold pattern as the furoshiki. One brooch represents a scrum between this world cup’s host country Japan and the next world cup’s host France. The other is a scrum between the two teams in the final match.

▼装着胸针的木盒,the lunchbox containing the brooches

▼每个木盒中都放置着两枚由和纸包起来的胸针,这些和纸上均印有与包装布相同的金色图案,inside, there are two Mizuhiki brooches wrapped in Ozu washi paper bearing the same gold pattern as the furoshiki

▼装在木盒里的胸针,一枚代表日本和法国,另一枚代表进入决赛的两个国家,one brooch represents a scrum between Japan and France, the other is a scrum between the two teams in the final match


The work process was extremely challenging as the Mizuhiki for all the twenty participating teams were made beforehand and the brooch was put together after the semi-finals, requiring unprecedented speed from the craft workers.

▼胸针,the brooches

▼佩戴胸针,wearing the brooch

Collaborator : tku
Photographer : Akihiro Yoshida

More: nendo        更多关于他们,请至:nendo on gooood

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