Blacksheep Café in PSA, Shanghai by kooo architects

Bench on “street” in inner space

Project Specs


来自 小大建筑设计事务所 对gooood的分享。更多关于他们: kooo architects on gooood
Appreciation towards kooo architects for providing the following description:

上海当代艺术博物馆(Power Station of Art)是中国大陆最初面对大众开放的公立当代艺术博物馆。2018年春天时我们因一次快闪咖啡店的店铺设计而结缘,此次合作的委托项目是常驻的咖啡店铺设计。

The Power Station of Art (PSA) in Shanghai is the first modern art museum in China that opened to the public. We have collaborated once with Blacksheep Espresso in the spring of 2018 designing a pop-up coffee shop, and this time’s commission if for their permanent store.

▼项目概览,overview ©Eric


▼平面图,plan ©小大建筑设计事务所

Unlike the conventional museum coffee shop set up, the middle of our site is pierced by a corridor connecting the exhibition area and the rooftop terrace; the border between “inside”and “outside” is blurred. And rather than a coffee shop, this café is more like a part of the customers’ walking path to and from the terrace. Taking the site condition into consideration, we hope to design something that can be distinguished from a traditional store – like a bench on the street, passersby could sit down casually as they encounter it, without any pressure or obligation.

▼通道从项目场地的中间穿过,因此将店内设计为行走路径的一部分,middle of the site is pierced by a corridor, so this café is more like a part of the customers’ walking path ©Eric

▼从室内看向观景平台,“店内”与“店外”的概念被模糊,view of the platform from inner site, the border between “inside”and “outside” is blurred ©Eric


▼大尺度桌椅立面,elevation of the large scaled furniture ©小大建筑设计事务所

The interlocking of these planes is not only structural, but it also forms a large scaled furniture. We hope this abstract and relaxed image would encourage more possibilities of actions and functions.

▼厚板相互穿插使其成为桌椅,the furniture was composed of interlocking of planes ©Eric

▼客人可以随意选择座位的使用方式,people can use the seats in multiply ways ©Eric

▼桌椅板材细节,18mm厚胶合板叠加形成10cm的厚板,material details, 10cm thick board made of 18mm plywood ©Eric

▼雕塑般的组合家具,Sculptural modular furniture ©Eric

项目名称:Blacksheep Café in PSA
设计&完成年份:2019年8月-2019年10月& 2019年9月-2019年10月
合作方:施工: 上海乃村装饰工艺有限公司

Project name: Blacksheep Café in PSA
Design year & Completion year: 2019.08—2018.09 & 2019.09—2019.10
Leader designer & Team: Kojima Shinya, Kojima Ayaka, Hongdi Lin, Weiqiu Lin, Yiqiang Xu
Project location: 5F, Power Station of Art, Shanghai
Gross build area: 130SQM
Photo credit: Eric
Partners: Construction: Nomura Construction Shanghai CO.,LTD
Clients: Blacksheep

More: 小大建筑设计事务所。更多关于他们: kooo architects on gooood

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