(北京)大观建筑设计事务所 DAGA Architects – 助理设计师 / 设计师 / 软装设计师 / 施工图设计师 / 实习生


关于我们 | About Us

2015 年成立于北京,大观建筑专注于城市更新设计,项目遍布国内外25个城市,目前有90余个城市更新项目实践。大观建筑广泛参与建筑设计、室内设计、城市规划和景观设计服务,并且提供国际水准的设计质量,注重创意和细节,对项目落地实施进行全程跟踪及时服务。设计及施工一体化项目已经遍及国内多地及国外地区。

DAGA Architects was founded in Beijing in 2015, focused on urban renewal design. The project spreads in 25 cities in China and abroad. Currently, there are more than 90 urban renewal projects in practice. DAGA Architects participates extensively in architectural design, interior design, urban planning, and landscape design services, providing international standard design quality, focusing on creativity and detail, track and implement the project on a full-time basis. The design and construction integration project has been spread over many places in China and abroad.


办公环境 | Office

▽办公室东四·共享际 Office in Dongsi 5Lmeet (点此查看更多

▽公司团建 Company Travel


项目作品 | Projects

▽东四·共享际 Beijing Dongsi 5Lmeet (点此查看更多

▽打磨厂共享际 Grinding Factory 5Lmeet(点此查看更多

大小九之家 Twins House 点此查看更多

透明胡同3 Transparent Hutong No.3 点此查看更多

成都新都川音文创园咖啡厅  Chengdu Xindu Cultural Center Café 

安顺度假民宿设计 Anshun Hotel & Airbnb Design 

青岛地铁华润国际海洋智区加速器Qingdao Metro CR Intelligence Zone Accelerator Office点此查看更多

昆明优客工场 Kunming Ucommune点此查看更多

开封共享际  Kaifeng 5Lmeet

 ▽成都电竞馆(概念设计)Chengdu E-Sports CenterConcept Design


招聘职位 | Join Us

O 助理建筑设计师/助理室内设计师 (北京)Architectural Assistant /Interior Assistant(Beijing)

2. 对建筑、室内设计有热情和追求,有较好的设计能力及团队合作精神;
3. 熟练运用AutoCAD,Rhino, Photoshop, InDesign等设计软件者优先;
4. 具有良好的沟通能力,英语熟练交流能力者优先。

Key Job Responsibilities:
1. Bachelor’s degree or above in Architecture or Interior Design;
2. Enthusiastic about design, strong sense of teamwork, and responsibility;
3. Proficiency in AutoCAD, Rhino, Photoshop, InDesign and other professional softwares;,
4. Strong communication & presentation skills orally and in writing,English proficiency is preferred.

O 建筑设计师/室内设计师 (北京)Architectural Designer/Interior Designer(Beijing)

1. 深化建筑及室内设计;
2. 配合团队完成从方案、施工图的设计发展;
3. 团队协作各阶段图纸,协助团队将草图发展成合理的方案图纸;
4. 协助制作成果本册、汇报文件、工程备忘录等。

1. 2年以上相关经验,参与设计过大中型项目,了解国内设计法规规范;
2. 正规院校本科建筑学、室内专业及以上学历,国内老八校及留学经历者优先;
3. 较强的方案设计能力,良好的设计领悟力;
4. 对建筑设计有热情和追求,思维敏捷活跃;
5. 工作主动诚恳,责任心强,具有团队合作精神;
6. 熟练运用AutoCAD,Rhino, Photoshop, InDesign等设计软件;
7. 具有良好的沟通能力,英语熟练交流能力者优先;
8. 熟悉室内外改造项目者优先。

Key Job Responsibilities:
1. Deepening Architecture and Interior Design;
2. Assists various portions of project development including conceptual, Construction drawing and design development;
3. Helps on drawing with the design team at various stages to assist the team in developing the sketch into a reasonable plan drawing.;
4. Assist in the production of the booklet, presentation documents, project memoranda, etc.

Desired Skills and Expertise:
1. Two years of working experience in relating fields participated in the design of large and medium-sized projects, understand domestic design regulations;
2. Bachelor degree or above in architecture, interior, domestic eight schools, and overseas study experience are preferred;
3. Strong program design ability and comprehension ability;
4. Have enthusiasm and pursuit for architectural design, quick and active thinking;
5. Work actively and sincerely, have a strong sense of responsibility, with teamwork spirit;
6. Proficiency in AutoCAD, Rhino, Photoshop, InDesign and other professional software;
7. Strong communication & presentation skills orally and in writing,English proficiency is preferred;
8. Familiar with indoor and outdoor renovation projects is preferred.

O 软装设计师(北京) Soft outfit Designer(Beijing)


Desired Skills and Expertise:
1. At least 2 years of work experience, with a good design philosophy and strong aesthetic ability, can accurately handle the design direction;
2. Understand and control customer needs, be able to complete the scheme design and deepening independently;
3.Responsible for tracking the entire project process: the program phase, the procurement phase, and the landing phase until the project is completed and accepted;
4.Responsible for tracking the whole project process: design phase, procurement phase, landing phase, until the completion of the project acceptance;
5.Proficiency in various design software and Office software such as AutoCAD, Rhino, Sketchup, Photoshop, InDesign.
6. Proficiency in AutoCAD, Rhino, Photoshop, InDesign, and other professional software.

O 施工图深化设计师(北京) Construction Drawing Detailing Designer(Beijing)

1. 协助配合主案设计师做好深化设计工作,完成全套施工图绘制;
2. 参与项目施工现场的配合与沟通;
3. 跟踪施工现场进行图纸整改,解决施工难点;
4. 指导团队设计师提升专业知识以及项目经验;
5. 协调好团队与合作公司、业主以及其他相关单位关系,并能保障公司利益。


Key Job Responsibilities:
1. Cooperate with the main designer to deepen the design work and complete the whole set of construction drawings;
2. Participate in the cooperation and negotiation of project construction site;
3. Follow up the construction site to rectify the drawings and solve the construction difficulties;
4. Guide team designers to improve their professional knowledge and project experience;
5. Coordinate the relationship between the team and partner companies, clients.

Desired Skills and Expertise:
1. At least three years experience in deepening design and experience in showrooms, villas, hotels and commercial deepening design projects is preferred;
2.Familiar with the relevant technical standards and regulations of model houses, villas, hotels, commerce, etc., have a certain understanding of the professional specifications of plumbing and electricity, and can be well handed over and cooperated with other professions;
3.Familiar with the application and practice of various materials;
4.Creative, executive, communication and coordination skills, team player mind;
5. Love Architecture, be passionate.

O 建筑设计/室内设计实习生 (北京)Architectural Design/Interior Design Intern(Beijing)

1. 协助建筑/室内设计师深化建筑设计;
2. 按照要求完成从方案、施工图的设计发展;
3. 参与制作各阶段图纸,协助建筑设计师将草图发展成合理的方案图纸;
4. 协助制作成果本册、汇报文件、工程备忘录等。

1. 正规院校,建筑学或室内设计专业大学四年级及以上学历;
2. 基础的方案设计能力,良好的设计领悟力;
3. 对建筑设计/室内设计有热情和追求,思维敏捷活跃;
4. 工作主动诚恳,责任心强,具有团队合作精神;
5. 熟练运用AutoCAD,Rhino, Photoshop, InDesign等设计软件者优先;

Key Job Responsibilities:
1. Assist architects/interior designers in deepening architectural design;
2. Complete the design development of the plan and construction drawing according to the requirement;
3. Participate in the production of drawings at all stages to assist architects in developing sketches into rational scheme drawings;
4. Assist in the production of the booklet, presentation documents, project memoranda, etc.

Desired Skills and Expertise:
1. Bachelor degree or above in architecture, interior, domestic eight schools, and overseas study experience are preferred;
2. Basic design ability and comprehension ability;
3. Have enthusiasm and pursuit for architectural design, quick and active thinking;
4. Work actively and sincerely, have a strong sense of responsibility, with teamwork spirit;
5. Proficiency in AutoCAD, Rhino, Photoshop, InDesign and other professional software is preferred.


联系方式 | Contact Us

北京东四共享际(张自忠路地铁站 东四九条88号)

Beijing Dongsi 5Lmeet(Zhangzizhong Road Subway station Dongsi 8th alley, No.88)


应聘方式 | How to Apply


Please submit portfolio along with your resume to HR@arcxtec.com. Applications without work samples will not be reviewed. Portfolios should be one PDF or JPEG attachment. The title of the email should indicate your name and the position you are applying for, please kindly indicate salary expectations and available starting date in the email. The resume should contain personal information (no more than 20MB), contact information and personal recent photos. The portfolio should indicate the name, scale and responsibilities of the projects you have participated in. We will contact qualified candidate for interview within one week.


