(深圳)Studio 10 深圳市十间设计咨询有限公司 – 建筑设计师 Architectural Designer / 施工(图)项目经理 Construction Drawings and Administration Project Manager/ 室内设计师 Interior Designer / 实习生 Intern / 行政总裁助理兼新媒体运营专员 Executive Assistant


公司简介 | ABOUT US

Studio 10(深圳市十间设计咨询有限公司)于2017年创立,是一家以建筑设计为主的跨界精品设计工作室。

Studio 10立足于深圳和香港这两座城市;工作室致力于提供高度定制化、高品质的精品建筑、室内、规划、平面、产品及其他创意设计服务;

Studio 10团队的背景高度多元化,既具有国际视野,同时亦对本土文化有深刻的理解。

自成立以来,Studio 10 获得了ArchDaily 年度建筑大奖(2019), Dezeen 年度大奖高度赞扬项目(2019), DFA 亚洲最具影响力设计奖(2018),FRAME 社会责任奖提名(2019)等荣誉,并入围INSIDE 世界室内设计节短名单(2019)。此外,Studio 10 项目“梦. 迷”曾入选美国《时代周刊》评选的2019 年世界百佳目的地名单并登载于杂志封面。

Founded in 2017, Studio 10 is an inter-disciplinary boutique architectural design practice based in Shenzhen, China with branch office in Hong Kong.

Studio 10 believes in providing highly bespoke, high-quality architecture, interior, master planning, graphic, product as well as other creative design services;

Our team with highly diverse background has both global vision and profound understanding of the local culture.

Since its founding, Studio 10 has been the winner of the ArchDaily Building of the Year Awards (2019), DFA Design for Asia Awards (2018) and Dezeen Awards’ Highly Recommended Project (2019), the finalist for the FRAME Social Award (2019), INSIDE World Festival of Interiors (2019), etc. In addition, Studio 10 projects Dream and Maze have been selected to the List of the World’s 100 Greatest Places of 2019 by TIME magazine as well as published on the magazine cover.



Studio 10团队坚信每一位业主,每一个项目都是特别、独一无二的个体,没有一种固定的风格或设计能成为所有业主或项目的最佳解决方案。我们的使命是不断自我挑战,通过充分的交流互动、深思熟虑的思考研究及丰富的经验,探求并量身定制最适合、最具创造性的精品设计方案。

Studio 10团队认为细节是设计的核心,亦是设计的载体,细节的设计和执行是判断项目的最重要标准之一 ;因此,在各个层面最大限度把控细节是我们的目标。

”设计即是一切,一切皆为设计。“ Studio 10相信设计的边界是模糊、变化的,也是包罗万有的;在每一个层面都需要设计 – 这将使我们的生活更美好。

Team Studio 10 believes that each individual client and each project is unique; there is no single fixed style or design solution that is most optimal for every client or project. Our mission is to constantly challenge ourselves to explore and tailor the most appropriate, innovative and optimal design solution for each client through thorough communications/interactions, researching, thinking as well as practice experience.

Team Studio 10 believes that detail is the core and medium of design; the design and execution of details is key for any project. Therefore, it is our mission to control details at every level, in every aspect.

“Alles ist Design, Design ist Alles”. We believe that the boundary for various disciplines in design is blurred and ever-changing, while all-inclusive. Design is called for at every level – it will make our life better.


办公环境 | Office

“Studio 10深圳办公室@南海意库,Studio 10’s Shenzhen Office @ NHECOOL”(点击这里查看更多)©张超




在创办Studio 10之前,周实女士曾于美国Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates PC (KPF)建筑师事务所任职副总监;在KPF纽约总部以及香港办公室任职期间,周实女士参与了国内外多个大型项目的设计工作。自2017年创立Studio 10, 周实女士带领团队完成了Atelier New York 旗舰店(2016),2017深港建筑双城双年展(深圳)龙华区上围实践分展场(2017),桂林别居.漓想国创意民宿客房空间改造设计(2018),百年国漫大展空间设计(2019), 幾樣概念店室内设计(2019)等项目的工作。

周实女士为美国纽约州执业建筑师、美国建筑师学会会员, 英国皇家建筑师学会会员及LEED绿色建筑认证专员。她于清华大学获得建筑学学士学位,并于哈佛大学设计学院获得建筑学硕士学位。

Shi Zhou has been practicing architecture for 9 years in the United States, Hong Kong and China. Her experience comprises a wide range of building typologies, including hotel/hospitality, residential, office, retail, etc., involving architectural design at various scales from interior to urban planning and infrastructure, low-rise to super-high rise.

Before founding STUDIO10, Shi has worked as an Associate Principal at Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates PC (KPF). While at KPF New York HQ and Hong Kong Office, Shi had been involved in a number of large-scale projects both in China as well as globally. Since the founding of Studio 10 in 2017, Shi has led the team to finish a variety of projects, including Atelier New York Flagship Store(2016), Exhibition Venue, 2017 SZHKUABB, Shangwei, Shenzhen(2017), Guestroom Renovation of the Creative Guesthouse The Other Place, Guilin Litopia(2018), Y-COMIC-X? Exhibition Design(2019), Geijoeng Concept Store(2019) , etc.

Currently Shi is a licensed Architect in the State of NY, US, an active member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA), the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and a LEED Accredited Professional in Building Design and Construction(LEED AP BD+C). She received her B.Arch. degree from Tsinghua University, and her M.Arch. degree from Harvard Graduate School of Design.



▽ 幾樣概念店室内设计 中国深圳 Interior Design of Geijoeng Concept Store, Shenzhen, China (点击这里查看更多)©张超

▽ 百年国漫大展空间设计 中国深圳 Y-COMIC-X? Exhibition Design, Shenzhen, China ©张超

▽ 梦,桂林别居,漓想国创意民宿客房空间改造设计 Dream Guestroom Renovation of the Creative Guesthouse The Other Place, Guilin Litopia)   (点击这里查看更多)©张超

▽ 迷,桂林别居,漓想国创意民宿客房空间改造设计 Maze Guestroom Renovation of the Creative Guesthouse The Other Place, Guilin Litopia)   (点击这里查看更多)©张超

▽ 光. 影 桂林别居.漓想国创意民宿客房空间改造设计 Light & Shadow Guestroom Renovation of the Creative Guesthouse The Other Place, Guilin Litopia(点击这里查看更多)©张超

▽ 2017深港城市\建筑双城双年展(深圳)龙华区上围实践分展场,中国深圳 Exhibition Venue, 2017 SZHKUABB, Shangwei, Shenzhen, China (点击这里查看更多)©张超

▽ Atelier New York 纽约格林威治村旗舰店立面改造及室内设计,美国纽约 Atelier New York Flagship Store, New York, NY, USA *与Buildever合作  ©何伟/周实



我们正在寻找志同道合者!如果你也和我们有同样的设计信念,愿意加入这个年轻、充满设计热情和才华的团队,请将简历和作品集(附件限制:10MB) 寄至hr@studio10.co

We are currently hiring! If you believe in what we do and would like to join our team of young, passionate talents, please send your CV and portfolio (max. attachment size: 10MB) to hr@studio10.co.


1. 建筑学本科及以上学历,具备较强的建筑或/和室内方案及综合设计能力。
2. 熟练掌握AutoCAD、Rhino、Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator/InDesign、Microsoft Office软件,能掌握Grasshopper、3D MAX、Sketchup并擅长渲染者更佳。
3. 良好的职业操守与团队合作精神,以及自我动力
4. 较好的英文书写能力和口头表达能力。
5. 对建筑设计有极高的热情。
6. 有相关领域工作经验者优先。

Architectural Designer

1. Holds Bachelor’s Degree or above in Architecture, strong in architectural/interior design and comprehensive design.
2. Skilled in AutoCAD, Rhino, Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator/InDesign, Microsoft Office. Good command of Grasshopper, 3D MAX, Sketchup preferred.
3. With strong sense of responsibility, team spirit and self-motivation.
4. Proficiency in English writing and speaking preferred.
5. Passionate about design.
6. Prior work experience in Architectural/Interior Design preferred.


1. 建筑类专科及以上学历;
2. 3年以上工作经验,有组织绘制扩初/施工图及施工配合、落地驻场经验,熟悉建筑规范,对项目组织有一定的掌控力,有丰富的协同工作的经验及超群的沟通技巧;
3. 有团队合作精神、较强的表达能力、严谨的工作态度,学习能力强。
4. 较好的英文书写能力和口头表达能力更佳;
5. 熟练掌握AutoCAD、Rhino、Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator/InDesign、Microsoft Office软件者更佳;

Construction Drawings and Administration Project Manager (1)

1. Holds a Diploma or above in Architecture.
2. 3+years prior experience in coordinating DD/CD production and CA; familiarity with codes, experience in the overall control of the project, coordination and communication skills required.
3. Strong sense of responsibility, team spirit and self-motivation.
4. Proficiency in bilingual (English & Chinese) writing and speaking preferred.
5. Good command of AutoCAD, Rhino, Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator/InDesign, Microsoft Office,etc. preferred.


1. 室内设计、建筑学或相关设计专业本科及以上学历;
2. 1-3年的专业工作经验,具有良好的艺术及建筑审美、熟悉制图规范、施工工艺、流程及装饰材料等应用;
3. 具备从方案到扩初图设计及深化的能力,具有施工图深化能力、施工现场配合工作经历者优先;
4. 具有良好的沟通协调能力,能够与业主,供应商,材料商,以及其他相关专业公司高效配合;
5. 熟练掌握AutoCAD、Rhino、Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator/InDesign、Microsoft Office软件,能掌握Grasshopper、3D MAX、Sketchup并擅长渲染者更佳;
6. 良好的职业操守与团队合作精神,以及抗压能力;

Interior Designer

1. Holds a Bachelor’s degree or higher in architectural designinterior design or other relevant disciplines;
2. With 1-3 years of professional work experience, good artistic and architectural aesthetics, familiar with drafting, specifications, Construction Administration and material selection/sourcing, etc.
3. Capable of and experienced in developing design from Concept Stage through DD; CA experience preferred.
4. Has good communication and coordination skills, and can effectively work with owners, contractors, material suppliers and other Parties.
5. Skilled in AutoCAD, Rhino, Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator/InDesign, Microsoft Office.
Good command of Grasshopper, 3D MAX, Sketchup preferred.
6. Strong sense of responsibility, team spirit, with the ability to work under pressure.

O 实习生

1. 建筑学本科或以上在读。
熟练使用AutoCADRhinoAdobe Photoshop/Illustrator/InDesignMicrosoft Office, 能掌握Grasshopper3D MAXSketchup并擅长渲染者更佳。


1. Full-time Undergraduate student or above in Architecture.
2. Quick learner with the ability to work under pressure.
3. Passionate about design.
4. Skilled in AutoCAD, Rhino, Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator/InDesign, Microsoft Office, etc.
Good command of Grasshopper, 3D MAX, Sketchup preferred.
5. Proficiency in English writing and speaking preferred.
6. Understands the nature of architectural design and can express design intent clearly with drawings.
7. Potential offer of full-time position after graduation.

行政总裁助理 兼 新媒体运营专员

1. 大专以上学历,具备行政助理工作经验的候选人优先;
熟练使用电脑及办公软件(Microsoft Office; 熟悉Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator/InDesign、网页设计、维护者优先。

Executive Assistant

1. Holds College degree or aboveprior experience as Administrative Assistant preferred.
2. Meticulous and well-organized.
3. Skilled in Microsoft Office. Good command of Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator/InDesign, website design and maintenance preferred.
4. Proficiency in English writing and speaking preferred.
5. We accept internship application from full-time college students or above.


联系方式 | CONTACT

Location: NHECOOL, 6 Xinghua RD., Nanshan, Shenzhen, China
电话Telephone: 86-755-21654868
邮箱 Email:info@studio10.co
微信公众号 Wechat:studio10design
Instagram: studio10design