公司介绍 | About CAAU
Coldefy & Associates Architects Urban Planners (CAAU)是一家总部位于法国,并在香港及上海设有分部的国际化建筑规划设计事务所。CAAU建筑规划设计事务所活跃于世界各地的建筑专业活动中并在国际大型比赛中屡获殊荣。事务所工作范围从前期概念研究到施工控制,参与不同尺度的项目研究创作设计,包括城市设计、建筑设计、室内设计以及设计策略。
Coldefy & Associates is an international award winning architecture firm based in France. In the past ten years the office has since opened studios in Hong Kong and more recently in Shanghai. The firm is characterized by their dynamism and creativity, animated by an international tropism that drives them to participate regularly in professional events around the world as well as in large international competitions. Their originality and resourcefulness have brought them success in a number of entries. The body of work engages a wide variety of projects of different scales, from research and conception through construction.
The design method employs extreme consideration to the site, an urban culture concerned with the appropriate density and diversity, as well as a conceptualization process where the various project factors are continually brought together to the point of overlap. The studio atmosphere is international, dynamic and collaborative.
We are looking for like-minded individuals to integrate into our team in Shanghai to help us develop exciting new cultural projects. Please see our website for more information about our firm: CAAU
项 目 | Projects
▽ Bao’an Art Center
▽ Foundation de Chine
▽ Novaxia Offices, Bagnolet
职 位 | Vacancies
O 双语项目建筑师 Bilingual Architect
1. 建筑学硕士(或同等学历)以上学位;
2. 良好的中英文(或中法文)会话和书写能力;
3. 3-5年以上建筑设计相关工作经验,参与并完成过实施的大型项目经验者优先;
4. 至少参加过1-2个中大型工程实践及实施项目,请在作品集中说明所任工作及职务;
5. 熟练使用AutoCAD,Phino, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator等专业软件,提供可实际执行的建筑设计;
6. 在专业技术图纸和技术信息上有实践经验,熟悉施工图阶段及专业材料信息,施工阶段有经验者优先;
7. 优秀的沟通和表达能力,能独立并且如果需要能领导小组完成项目的能力
8. 有深厚的设计观念背景及底蕴,并且熟悉项目的技术信息以及相关规定;
O 建筑实习生 / Intern,若干
1. 建筑学专业本科大三以上或研究生
2. 有海外学习工作,优秀事务所实习经验者优先
3. 优秀的设计能力和突出的图面表达能力
4. 有责任心,较强的沟通及团队协作能力,能适应高效的工作环境
5. 具备较强的手工模型制作能力,熟练使用Auto CAD, Sketchup, Phino, InDesign, Illustrator等相关专业软件
6. 学习能力强,逻辑清晰,良好的中英文(或中法文)会话和书写能力
7. 实习期不少于3个月,并有更多机会参与到项目设计、图纸深化等各个层面;并可能参与城市更新、建筑、室内等各种类别的项目,能够深度了解成为一个执业建筑师全面而完整的工作范围。
申 请 | Apply
This is a great opportunity for a dynamic, open-minded architect to be an essential part of our team, developing exciting large scale projects in China. Apply as soon as possible to with ‘Shanghai Architect’ in the title. Please specify your date of availability.