The Wine Ayutthaya By Bangkok Project Studio

To overcome conceptual limitations and face challenges in both material and scale.

Project Specs


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Wine Ayutthaya位于著名的大城府湄南河河畔,这附近的城市在400年前曾经是泰国的首都。其设计的初衷是给旅游经过这里的游客一个休闲喝酒的地方,并希望以此刺激周围社区经济。此项目是一个建筑的创新,周围环境和其独特造型将成为磁石吸引游客驻足。

Situated on a bank of the Chao Phraya River in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province, The Wine Ayutthaya is a new leisure place for wine drinkers. The building was constructed to become a new tourist attraction in hopes of stimulating the economy of local communities surrounding this world heritage site, which was the capital city of Thailand 400 years ago. The building is a product of architectural creativity and environmental context molded into a magnet for tourists.

▼融于自然景观的建筑,hidden in the nature

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▼独特的造型吸引游客驻足,the extraordinary mould attract visitors

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There are 5 sets of spiral stairs attached to each platforms. All five spiral stairs has been designed not only for circulations that fit in limited spaces but also serve as structural supports. Furthermore, familiarly experienced scale and amount of spiral stairs has been sculpt into an unfamiliar new space arousing visitors the sense of abstract.

▼五个螺旋楼梯通往建筑顶端,five sets of spiral stairs attached to each platforms

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▼独特设计给人视觉感受,the unique design brings a special feeling

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▼楼梯同时作为建筑的支撑,品酒座位位于五个螺旋楼梯之间,stairs also serve as structural supports,seats are placed within the stairs

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▼品酒座位位于五个螺旋楼梯之间,seats are placed within the stairs

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▼楼梯给空间以无限循环的感觉,the stairs shows a sense of infinite circulation

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▼灯饰隐藏在楼梯边缘,lights are hidden in the edge of stairs

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A single story building blends in with existing large trees with carefully designed landscape. The building is 9 meters in height and 11 meters equally in width and length made entirely from steel-reinforced plywood. The interior of the wine house is divided into 4 platforms, each with its own height that serves as a vantage point for visitors to absorb the beautiful view of the river from different angles, contrasting the interior with the exterior spaces.The ground floor is occupied by a wine bar, and seats are placed between the staircases. The platforms and staircases are scenic viewpoints. 

▼采用全胶合板材质无钢架支撑,made entirely from steel-reinforced plywood

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▼建筑内部设计分为4个层次,the interior of the wine house is divided into 4 platforms

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▼每一层次都有其独特的观景角度,each with its own height that serves as a vantage point

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▼建筑采用全胶合板结构及内装,the building is made entirely from steel-reinforced plywood

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▼底层为吧台,座位被安排在楼梯之间,the ground floor is occupied by a wine bar, and seats are placed between the staircases

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The locally found wooden houses are the inspiration to create this steel-reinforced plywood structure. The knock-down waffle structure system which is visually light but structurally strong is being exposed by the design of floor, wall and roof. The waffle walls can be a light filter that helps cool down the interior atmosphere. Moreover, wine drinkers can enjoy another depth of experience through the sense of smell mixture between plywood and wine. 

▼可拆卸的华夫结构系统在视觉上打造明亮氛围, the knock-down waffle structure system which is visually light

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▼外墙结构十分稳定,the waffle wall is structurally strong

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▼外墙化身为光的过滤设备帮助降低室内温度,the waffle walls can be a light filter that helps cool down the interior atmosphere

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▼外墙的通透性使内外空气流通,the waffle walls brings in the fresh air

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In this building, plywood a material normally used for interior purposes as furniture structure being used as a building structure. This has broaden the potential and transform the perception of plywood from a temporary material to a permanent and extraordinary edifice.

▼胶合板用于室内外装饰,plywood as a material to made the architecture

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▼胶合板的运用挖掘了新材料的潜力, the use of material has broaden the potential

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The building is protected from rain and humidity by coating plywood with resin and covering the building with 1 millimeter thick PVC sheets. From the exterior, the undulating reflects of PVC sheets visually soften the building, in the meantime, exposed the interior through its clearness.

▼建筑通过树脂和一毫米厚的PVC材料来防雨防潮,the building is protected from rain and humidity by coating plywood with resin and covering the building with 1 millimeter thick PVC sheets

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▼PVC的波动使建筑在视觉上软化,the undulating reflects of PVC sheets visually soften the building

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▼其透明性使建筑内部构造清晰可见,exposed the interior through its clearness

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Wine Ayutthaya的设计目的是战胜概念上的限制和材料以及尺度上挑战,并使之成为复兴传统宏伟古老城市精神的伟大创举。

To overcome conceptual limitations and face challenges in both material and scale in order to create an all-embracing architecture is the purpose of The Wine Ayutthaya, a work of art to revive the spirit of this once majestic ancient city.

▼平面图,the plan

plan 1_1   Model


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secC   secD

Project name: The Wine Ayutthaya
Location: Ayutthaya, Thailand
Client: Soraya Visitsopa
Completion date: 24 March 2017
Built area: 215 sq. m.
Architect: Boonserm Premthada
Design team: Nathan Mehl
Main contractor: local craftsman
Consultant: Boonserm Premthada
Photos credit: Spaceshift Studio

More: Bangkok Project Studio  ,更多关于他们请至:Bangkok Project Studio on gooood. 

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