X2度假村,泰国 / Creative Crews Ltd.




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X2芭堤雅海洋别墅度假村位于发达的海滩小镇,当地充斥着俗气的旅游目的地,酒店,和连锁度假村。 场地位于泰国东海岸,面朝泰国湾。这里有绵长的沙滩,富有戏剧性的岩石或悬崖地形相对较少。 度假村的建筑语言源于利用本地可取的材料及高效的施工方式创造人造景观。

The X2 Pattaya Oceanphere is a villa resort situated in Pattaya, a well-developed beach town with cliché tourist destinations, hotels, and resorts chains. The site is located on the eastern seaboard of Thailand, facing the Gulf of Thailand where there are long stretches of beaches without much dramatic rocky or cliff terrain. The architectural language of the villa resort is derived from the aim to create man-made landscape with available materials and efficient construction methods.

▼项目鸟瞰,位于大海边,aerial view of the project near the sea ©Rungkit Charoenwa

该场地位于缓坡上,场地入口到沙滩距离有500米。一座像悬崖一样的单体三层楼房位于到达处,客人随景观台阶,到达一楼的大堂和俱乐部会所。 餐厅位于二楼,主游泳池在三楼。 通过标高抬升,客人可以充分享受秀丽的海景。 别墅按照现有的坡度排列,尽量减少土方调配工作量,以允许大多数别墅二楼可享有海景。

The site has a mild sloping contour with a 500 meter offset from the beach line. Upon arrival, there is a monolithic cliff-like 3 story building with escalating landscaped steps, a club house with an arrival lobby, the back of house at ground floor, a restaurant at second floor, and the main pool at the third floor. These facilities were raised to bring the guests to the elevation where they can thoroughly enjoy the scenic sea view. The villas are arranged following the existing slope with minimum cut and fill operations to allow for the second floor of most villas to accommodate the ocean view.

▼项目到达处的三层公共栋,3 story public building upon the arrival ©Rungkit Charoenwa

▼落客区,drop-off area ©Rungkit Charoenwa

▼通向大堂的景观楼梯,landscaped steps towards the lobby ©Rungkit Charoenwa

▼楼梯与有着定制边缘的混凝土砖块墙,steps and concrete block walls with customized edge profile  ©Rungkit Charoenwa

▼公共栋三层的泳池,swimming pool on the third floor of the public building ©Rungkit Charoenwa

别墅的布局分为两个不同的区域。 第一部分为起居和卧室,第二部分则专用于后勤和交通。 起居区设计为一个开放空间,用通高玻璃推拉门或滑动折叠门分隔,当打开时可以将其完全隐藏。 服务区外墙虽然型似坚硬的悬崖,却是用当地的混凝土轻砖建造而成。混凝土轻砖采用定制的边缘轮廓,形成锥形的前立面造型的同时作为露天雨水通道,连接檐槽至地面排水。

The plan of the villa is separated into two distinct parts. The first part is the main living and sleeping area while the second part is dedicated to services and circulation. The living area was designed as an open space which can be enclosed with high glass sliding doors or slide and fold doors which can be completely concealed when open. While the service area is treated as solid cliff-like walls, it is constructed with local concrete blocks with customized edge profile forming the tapered front façade of doubling also as an exposed rain waterway, connecting roof gutter to on ground landscape site drain.

▼别墅外观鸟瞰,aerial of the villas ©Rungkit Charoenwa

▼连接别墅的步道,walkway connecting the villas ©Rungkit Charoenwa

▼定制边缘的混凝土轻砖墙面,walls constructed by concrete blocks with customized edge profile ©left: Spaceshift Studio, right: Rungkit Charoenwa

▼环境中种有葱郁的植物,lush plants in the environment ©Rungkit Charoenwa

▼别墅外立面,起居区采用通高的滑动玻璃门围合,facade of the villas, the living area is enclosed by high glass sliding doors ©Rungkit Charoenwa

▼别墅后部的私密庭院,private courtyard at the rear of the villas ©Rungkit Charoenwa


隔墙的建筑语言在会所这栋楼延伸。更大,更深的墙体形式将会所的所有服务区,电梯筒和休息区包含在内部。 总体建筑设计旨在证明, 简单的构造和自然机制只要通过适当的突出方式,也可被欣赏。

This block wall was developed into the larger and deeper walls incorporating all the services, lift cores and resting areas of the club house. The overall architectural design aims to prove that simple tectonic and natural mechanisms can be appreciated when highlighted properly.

▼别墅内开放的起居空间,open living space in the villa ©Spaceshift Studio

▼玻璃滑门让起居空间与泳池区无缝连接,seamless connection between the living space and the pool by glass sliding door ©Spaceshift Studio

▼空间中部较为私密的起居室,living room in the middle of the villa with more privacy ©Spaceshift Studio

▼别墅夜景,night view of the villa ©Spaceshift Studio

▼总平面图,master plan ©Creative Crews


▼公共栋一层平面图,first floor plan of the public building ©Creative Crews

▼公共栋二层平面图,second floor plan of the public building ©Creative Crews

▼公共栋三层平面图,third floor plan of the public building ©Creative Crews

▼二室别墅平面图,plans of the villa with two bedrooms ©Creative Crews

项目名称: X2度假村 芭提雅
建筑事务所: Creative Crews Ltd.
事务所网站:: http://creative-crews.com/
项目位置:  芭達雅, 泰国

项目年份: 2015 – 2019
建筑面积: 18,000 平方米
摄影:Rungkit Charoenwat,Spaceshift Studio,Creative Crews
其他合作者:Somdoon Architects Ltd
业主: Habitat Group

Architect’ Firm: Creative Crews Ltd.
Website: http://creative-crews.com/
Contact e-mail: pr@creative-crews.com
Project location: Pattaya, Thailand
Completion Year:  2019
Gross Built Area: 18,000 sqm.
Photo credits: Rungkit Charoenwat, Spaceshift Studio., Creative Crews
Client: Habitat Group

More:Creative Crews Ltd.。更多关于他们请至:Creative Crews Ltd. on gooood



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