gooood book: A Place for All People: Life, Architecture and the Fair Society

A stunningly designed memoir with pictures by Richard Rogers, one of the world’s leading architects and urban thinkers

Project Specs






更多关于Richard Rogers,请至:Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners
查看Richard Rogers在谷德发布的项目,请至:Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners on gooood

Richard Rogers, founder of Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners, is a pre-eminent architect of his generation, whose approach to buildings is infused with his enthusiasm for modernism, love of life and strong sense of social justice. From the Pompidou Centre in Paris to the Lloyds Building in the City of London, and from airports, to cancer care centres to low-cost homes, the buildings he and his partners have designed blend private use, public space and civic value.

In part inspired by his 2013 Royal Academy exhibition, A place for all people is a mosaic of life, projects and ideas for a better society. Ranging backwards and forwards over a long and creative life, and integrating relationships, projects, stories, collaborations and polemics, with case studies, drawings and photographs A place for all people is a dazzling and inspiring book as original as its author.

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More about Richard Rogers:Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners
Richard Rogers’ projects on gooood:Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners on gooood


A Place for All People – cover

· 普利兹克奖得主、伦敦千年穹顶、巴黎蓬皮杜艺术中心总设计师理查德·罗杰斯毕生心血结晶之作
· 理查德·罗杰斯回顾自己从一名患有阅读障碍的孩子成为一位建筑师的心路历程
· 这不只是一本关于建筑的书,而是一本关于如何创造更好的生活环境、更好的社会的书,一本关于公民的书
· 阅读这本书仿佛与大师进行一次深度对谈,享受一次人文主义和自由精神的熏陶
· 精装大开本,全彩四色印刷,收录数百幅手稿、图纸、照片,适合收藏


About the Author

理查德·罗杰斯(Richard Rogers),1933年生于意大利佛罗伦萨,1962年毕业于耶鲁大学。他与合伙人一起设计并建造了20世纪诸多知名建筑,包括蓬皮杜中心、千年穹顶等。于1991年受伊丽莎白女王封爵,亦曾获得普利兹克奖、英国皇家建筑师学会金奖等建筑界重要荣誉。

理查德·布朗(Richard Brown),伦敦独立智库“伦敦中心”调查总监,曾在伦敦遗产开发公司担任策划总监。

Richard Rogers was born in Florence in 1933. He was educated in the UK and then at the Yale School of Architecture, where he met Norman Foster. Alongside his partners, he has been responsible for some of the most radical designs of the twentieth century, including the Pompidou Centre and the Millennium Dome. He was knighted in 1991 by Queen Elizabeth II. He has been awarded the Legion d’Honneur, the Royal Institute of British Architects’ Royal Gold Medal, and the Pritzker Prize, architecture’s highest honour.

Richard Brown is Research Director at Centre for London, the independent think tank for London. He was previously Strategy Director at London Legacy Development Corporation, Manager of the Mayor of London’s Architecture and Urbanism Unit, and an urban regeneration researcher at the Audit Commission.















评价 | Review

在他漫长而又充满创意的职业生涯中,罗杰斯向我们表明,一个建筑师的终生角色是成为一名合格的世界公民。 ——普利兹克奖评委会
罗杰斯设计了一系列引人入胜、活力四射、令人惊艳的独特建筑,它们将永远被人铭记。 ——《独立报》

Rogers’s wonderful new book is part memoir, part manifesto, a vision for how our cities could be more creative, beautiful and sustainable (Rohan Silva, Sunday Times)
Rogers has designed astonishing, engrossing, enlivening, original buildings by which the late-20th century will always be remembered (Independent)
In his profession, so in this book: Richard Rogers has brilliantly marked out a generous space where architecture and social justice meet. The master builder is rich in humane ideas and has an infectious delight in cities and their possibilities (Ian McEwan)


目录 | Catalogue

第一章 早期的影响
第二章 新事物的冲击
第三章 建筑的语言
第四章 乔治·蓬皮杜中心——一个属于所有人的地方
第五章 政治与实践
第六章 建造城市
第七章 赋予机构以人性
第八章 生活的层次
第九章 公共空间
第十章 公民与紧凑型城市
第十一章 公平的社会
后记 对未来的思考


More about Richard Rogers:Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners
Richard Rogers’ projects on gooood:Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners on gooood

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