(北京)hyperSity建筑设计事务所 – 建筑师 / 助理建筑师 / 室内设计师 / 实习生


关于hyperSity | About hyperSity

hyperSity 建筑设计事务所2012年注册于荷兰鹿特丹, 是一家具有创新与超越精神的建筑事务所。主创建筑师史洋于2015年成立北京办公室,聚焦于城市更新与乡村振兴领域的研究与实践,核心设计团队由拥有荷兰注册建筑师规划师执照,并具有国外知名建筑事务所丰富实践经验的年轻建筑师和规划师组成。

hyperSity涵盖多尺度项目类型,包括院落住宅、办公空间、美术馆、文化园区规划、儿童教育空间等。作品被多家全球专业媒体报导,并获得众多国际荣誉和奖项。合院里的书店斩获2019中国 “最美书店”。 Gooood平台 2018年度与2019年度最受欢迎项目。2018年JINTANG Prize年度最佳新锐设计师等。目前进行项目包括海南的电影园区高层设计,林芝文旅项目,酱酒文化产业园,首钢高炉空间改造等等。 将生活美学植入联合办公空间成功使“woo space”品牌成为创新型办公行业的空间典范。 连续三年受上海东方卫视邀请的梦想改造家与wow新家的改造项目,打造新式夯土窑洞、高纬度的家与高海拔的家。

hyperSity一直活跃在建筑理论与学术领域,正在参与库哈斯策展2020纽约古根汉姆美术馆的“countryside, the future” 乡村研究展览,并受邀设计中国板块的装置展品。大栅栏茶儿胡同22号院改造项目参加2016十五届威尼斯建筑双年展平行展。研究项目“吸收现代性——1914-2014”参加2014 年第十四届威尼斯建筑双年展中国国家馆展览;研究项目”岭南乌托邦“ 参加2013 西班牙塞戈维亚中国当代建筑展;与OMA|AMO合作的俄罗斯大都市研究于2012 年大声展展出,并在《Project Russia》中出版。

主持建筑师 史洋
荷兰注册建筑师,先后工作于荷兰UNStudio 与OMA 建筑事务所。 现为hyperSity 建筑事务所主持建筑师,并任教于中央美术学院建筑学院, 任第四工作室合作导师。本科与研究生分别毕业于中央美术学院和荷兰代尔夫特理工大学,并于2010 年跟随雷姆. 库哈斯先生在莫斯科Strelka 媒体设计与建筑学院完成硕士后的研究工作。


hyperSity, founded in Rotterdam in 2012 by Shi Yang, is a creative pioneer architectural practice and research studio. The core team of hyperSity is composed of young Dutch licensed architects and urbanists with years of working experiences in the internationally renowned offices. With the opening of the Beijing Office in 2015, hyperSity is focusing on implementing their global ideas and experiences into the local conditions in China.

hyperSity is trying to address a range of issues that are pertinent worldwide, and particularly urgent in China. The studio is involving in the Chinese Countryside Research with OMA and CAFA. The researches about Russian mega city, collaborated with OMA|AMO in Strelka Institute has been exhibited in ‘Get it Louder’ 2012, and published in ‘Project Russia. The research ‘Absorbing modernity 1914-2014’ participated in the 14th Venice architecture biennale, Chinese pavilion. Research work ‘Lingnan Utopia’ was participated in 2013 China contemporary Architecture Exhibition in Segovia, Spain.


部分项目 | Projects


▽ 黄土上的院子(点此查看更多

▽ 拉萨民居改造(点此查看更多

▽ 茶儿胡同v宅(点此查看更多

▽ 合院中的书店-全民畅读书店(点此查看更多

▽ 顺义经开智汇园(点此查看更多

▽ 银川方角石幼儿园

▽ 凡普金科总部办公室


▽ 海南电影工厂

▽ 贵州酱酒文化产业园规划与建筑设计

▽ 南通农场会所


▽ 纽约古根汉姆“Countryside, the future”  装置


招聘职位 | Positions

O 建筑师 Architect

1) 建筑学及相关专业本科及以上学历;
2) 具备1-3年建筑设计工作经验,有优秀建筑事务所或公司工作经验优先;
3) 方案深化能力强,刻苦、对建筑热情;熟悉规范与项目流程,施工图和后期现场配合等技术管理工作;
4) 具有较强的客户沟通及引导能力,能够接受出差或驻场监造;
5)  熟练操作AutoCAD, Rhino, Sketchup, Adobe Photoshop, Lumion, Enscape等或其他专业软件;

The candidate is required a bachelor degree or above in architecture with design and arts sensibility. 3 years of experience in CD, SD, DD phase is preferred. With strong sense of responsibility and teamwork, the candidate is able to supervise construction site. Proficiency in various design softwares,such as AutoCAD, Rhino, Sketchup, Adobe Photoshop, Lumion and Enscape.

O 助理建筑师 Assistant Architect

4) 熟练操作AutoCAD, Rhino, Sketchup, Adobe Photoshop, Lumion, Enscape等或其他专业软件;

The candidate is required a bachelor degree or above in architecture with design and arts sensibility. Be passionate and hard working. Proficiency in various design softwares,such as AutoCAD, Rhino, Sketchup, Adobe Photoshop, Lumion and Enscape.

O 室内设计师 
Interior Designer

1) 室内设计本科以上学历;
2) 能充分理解主持设计师的设计意图,具有良好的方案发展与深化能力;
3. 善于从空间角度切入室内设计,熟悉材料以及细部节点做法。

The candidate is required a bachelor degree or above in interior design with arts sensibility. The candidate is able to develop the principle architect’s spatial proposal into detail schemes.

O 实习生(实习时间3-6个月或以上)

1) 建筑学及相关专业
2) 熟练操作AutoCAD, Rhino, Sketchup, Adobe Photoshop, Lumion, Enscape等或其他专业软件

Architectural or design students with at least 3 month full-time internship period. Be passionate and hard working. Be familiar with software such as AutoCAD, Rhino, Sketchup, Adobe Photoshop, Lumion and Enscape.

工作地点: 北京朝阳区半截塔郎园station内
Address: Langyuan Station,Beijing


Please send your CV and portfolio, with expected position and salary to this email: studio@hypersity.cn. All files should be in PDF format without exceeding 10Mb size.


