(上海)NAN Architects – 项目建筑师 / 建筑设计师 / 实习生


公司简介 | About


南旭,一级注册建筑师,美国建筑师学会会员。2008年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学,并获得了美国伊利诺伊理工大学的Mogernstern全额奖学金,赴美深造,求学期间兼职David Goodman的助教。获得硕士学位之后,先后工作于芝加哥SOM建筑设计事务所、香港10DESIGN建筑设计公司、大舍建筑设计事务所。

南旭于2010年获得AIA芝加哥奖提名并进入最终候选名单。2014年,以竞赛建成项目“唐山地震遗址公园”入围WAACA中国建筑奖最高奖–建筑成就奖。2019年获得美国建筑大师奖(American MasterPrize)。2016年,任中国美术学院城市设计专业毕业设计导师。2017年,任上海交通大学先锋建筑师工作室导师。2019年,任同济大学设计导师。 作品被Archdaily, Designboom, 谷德,《时代建筑》,《UED》等国内外重要媒体和学术杂志报道。

NAN Architects is established in Shanghai in 2014. Practical project cover architecture, bridges, landscapes, interior spaces and industrial products. We believes that design has no boundaries, and space and place should be created with a wider view.

Nan Xu graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2008 and obtained Mogernstern Scholarship and TA position from Illinois Institute of Technology in the United States. After graduation, he worked in SOM Chicago office, 10 DESIGN and Atelier Deshaus.

Nan Xu was nominated in the finalist of AIA Chicago Award in 2010. He was also nominated for the WAACA – Architecture Achievement Award with the winning international competition project–Tangshan Earthquake memorial Park in 2014. Nan Xu was invited to be the tutor of graduation project of urban design in China Academy of Art in 2016. Then, he was invited to teach in Excellent Practicing Architecture Studio in Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2017. And he was a design instructor at Tongji University in 2019。Works were widely reported by major domestic and international media such as “Archdaily”, “TA” and “UED”.


招聘职位 | Positions

工作时间:周一至周五10:00am-7:00pm,午休一小时, 周末不加班(如有加班会调休)

O 项目建筑师 2人 Project Architect 2 Positions

-熟练运用Rhino, Sketchup等建模软件; 和 AutoCAD, 天正等制图软件。

-Bachelor’s degree or higher in Architecture
-Expertise in AutoCAD ,Sketchup and Rhino
-Practical experience in SD, DD Deliverables.

O 建筑设计师2人 Architectural Designer 2 Positions

-熟练运用Rhino, Sketchup等建模软件; 和Vray, Maxwell等渲染软件。

-Bachelor’s degree or higher in Architecture
-Expertise in Rhino, Sketchup, AutoCAD and Vray

O 实习生 2人 Intern 2 Positions


-Able to work more than 3 months.


职位申请材料 Application Materials


-Portfolio ( PDF, less than 20MB )


Address: 849 Wanhangdu Rd. Jingan District, Shanghai, China
E-mail: office@nan-xu.com
Website: www.nan-xu.com


项目 Projects

▽ 重庆长嘉汇幼儿园 (在建)
Changjiahui Kindergarten,Chongqing (Under Construction)

▽ 重庆礼嘉幼儿园 (在建)
Lijia Kindergarten,Chongqing (Under Construction)

▽ 南京承天大桥 (在建)
Nanjing Chengtian Bridge (Under Construction)

▽ 南京机场河车行桥 (施工图阶段)
Nanjing Jichang River Bridge (CD PHASE)

▽ 上海愚园里创意园
Yuyuan Park Office, Shanghai

▽ 温州TOD国际新城售楼中心
Wenzhou TOD Town Sale Office

▽ 青山良镜眼镜店
QSLJ Optical Shop


