(上海)Mur Mur Lab – 技术主管 / 项目建筑师 / 实习建筑师


Mur Mur Lab x 你
Mur Mur Lab x You

这是 Mur Mur Lab 第三次公开招募
This is Mur Mur Lab’s third public recruitment.


Another year the wind rustle sycamore trees all season, this season in Shanghai is very beautiful, beauty in nature, also in the attitude. Summer is the only season of the year where people eagerly look forward to create, live, embrace the hope, walking towards studio across the street and see people in the roadside coffee shop, they are working, chatting, eyes burst excited light. This season in Shanghai, flowing in the air, is life.

依然在这样一个季节,Mur Mur Lab开启了每年一度招聘。

Still in this season, Mur Mur Lab starts its annual recruitment.
In the shadow of the sycamore tree, meet the summer that belong to us.


Creation is the pleasure of creation itself.

去年的招聘中,Mur Mur Lab梳理出了未来商店 | 城市装置 | 微小建筑更新 的框架,也第一次提出了建筑学容器建筑学辞典的概念。经过一年的发展,这几个框架一点点被填充进了骨肉,我们又做了新的未来商店,城市装置,和小建筑实践。

In last year’s recruitment, Mur Mur Lab teases out future shop | Urban Installations | Micro-building update framework, and also puts forward the concept of architectural containers, architectural dictionary for the first time. After a year of development, these frames were stuffed into the blood. and we did new future shop, urban installations, and small architectural practices.

△ Mur Mur Lab  2019·4月 未来商店-By Jove(点此查看更多

△ Mur Mur Lab  2019·5月 未来商店-黑羊(点此查看更多

△ Mur Mur Lab  2019·6月 未来商店-记忆中的弦

△ Mur Mur Lab  2019·7月 未来商店-未来书店(点此查看更多

△ Mur Mur Lab  2019·8月 未来商店-Rejuve

△ Mur Mur Lab  2019-新装置(点此查看更多



In the brushing of time and experience, we gradually strengthen our view of architectural design: this is a dream-making industry.

Architect’s daily work: complete concept plan, on this basis to deepen the design, and then according to the construction drawings design site to complete the construction. Day after day, year after year, such as the time flow. These repetitive work seem boring, but those who are diligent to complete every detail of the depiction of day and night, like footprints, with the work as the carrier, left in time.

△ Mur Mur Lab  2019-新建筑

时间终将流逝,如何能坦然面对这一点,需要很大的智慧。真正能够衡量我们作为建筑师的价值的,就是我们留下的作品。所以,Mur Mur Lab出产高质量的设计,因为我们要保证我们投入进心血和时间创造出来的东西,让我们心安理得。


Time will pass, how can face this, need a lot of wisdom. What can able to measure the value of our work as an architect, is leave our work. So Mur Mur Lab produces high-quality designs because we want to make sure that we put our efforts and time into creating things that make us feel comfortable.

From this point of view , architects’ work is happy, and we fight against ruthless and powerful time with dreams and pens. We enjoy the pleasure of creation itself in our creation.


No art, only artists.

Mur Mur Lab对于自己的定位不是肆无忌惮随心所欲的工作室,我们标榜自己为带有艺术气质的工匠,世界上本没有艺术这回事,有的是一直对美不懈追求与探索的艺术家。无论是商业作品亦或者是公益项目,在实用性之外,给大家带来美的感受,才是我们所追求的。然工匠就要具有工匠精神:细致、规范、认真,在框架和规则中去造梦。



Mur Mur Lab for their positioning is not unscrupulous studio, we advertise ourselves as artisans with artistic temperament, there is no art in the world, only have some artists who have been in constant pursuit beauty and exploration. Whether it is a commercial work or a public welfare project, in addition to practicality, to bring everyone a sense of beauty, is what we pursue. But artisans must have the spirit of artisans: meticulous, standardized, serious, in the framework and rules to build dreams.

During the design process of UNIBROWNCAFE in XinTianDi, we tried to present the cafe scene with the simplest lines, and after rounds of discussions with the structural engineer, we made numerous fine-tunings.

Urban construction itself, is to serve the people using it, and on this basis we can add our own ideas and aesthetic eggs in it.

△ 工作室的模型墙(点此查看更多


改编一句大家都知道的话,建筑之于我们,不仅仅是诗和远方,更是生活中的一针一线,一砖一瓦。我们会坚持Mur Mur Lab「城市建筑工作室」的定位,我们立足于城市,汲取这座城市的养分,聆听更多的声音,在一步一步当中,与上海这座城市结成内在的联结,共同进步相互滋养。

It will not be the creation and modification of outsize type, not so burning and blood, in the question “are you still doing decoration” so many years, we step by step abandoned the book rigid dogmatic theoretical knowledge, more based on the practice, based on the needs of users, to pursue the practical and interesting combination of our inner building.

Adapt a word we all know, the architecture to us, is not only a poem and the distance, but also a needle in life, brick by brick. We will insist on Mur Mur Lab “urban architecture studio” positioning, we based on the city, draw on the city’s nutrients, listen to more voices, step by step, with the city of Shanghai inner connection, nourish each other make progress together.


Architecture returns to the public

Mur Mur Lab接下来的工作会变得更加充实,工作室会坚持未来商店 | 城市装置 | 微小建筑更新三个实践方向。寻找到城中与我们想法契合的创意人一起发声,一起做展览,这些展览组成的部分,就是mür mür,它不为商业,为了记录那些日常生活中,让我们眼前一亮的创意。Mur Mur Lab从没放弃在艺术与商业之间寻求平衡,从微小建筑更新到建筑学花器的漂流,不断发掘新的美学品牌合作丰富mür mür的内容。在这些过程中,我们不断践行着最初的初心:给世界带来美的体验。

Mur Mur Lab’s next work will become more fulfilling, the studio will stick to the future shop| Urban Installations| Tiny buildings update these three practical directions. To find the creative people who’s thought fit us sound together, to do exhibitions, the exhibition of part, is the mür mür, it is not for business, in order to record the daily life, let us shine at the moment of ideas. Mur Mur Lab never give up to seek a balance between art and commerce, from tiny architectural updates to the architecture of flowers drifting, constantly discovering new aesthetic brand collaborations to enrich the content of mür mür. In the process, we continue to practice the original intention: bring experience of beauty to the world.

△ mür mür

诗人用诗歌记录世界,画家用画笔记录世界,工人用榔头记录世界。接下来,Mur Mur Lab会建立微博,用vlog的形式告诉大家,我们建筑师,是怎样用量尺和笔记录世界。这从来不是一个远在天边的职业,建筑学早就应该回归大众。

Mur Mur Lab仍然在成长,我们现在也在探索我们究竟想要向这个世界表达和传递什么样的思想,这个过程必定道阻且长,但是人生一大幸事就是遇到志同道合的伙伴,大家且歌且唱,且工且作,胼手胝足,砥砺前行。每一个加入Mur Mur Lab的人,都是我们认同的伙伴,我们分享一样的价值观:对于美的追求、对于认真工作的操守,并且会越来越坚信这坚持的微光

Poets record the world with poetry, painters record the world with brushes, and workers record the world with a hammer. Next, Mur Mur Lab will build weibo, in the form of a vlog tell you that our architects, is how to use ruler and a pen to record the world. This has never been a profession far away from the sky, architecture should have returned to the public long ago.

Mur Mur Lab is still growing, and we’re exploring exactly what we want to express and deliver to the world, This process must be blocked and long, but one of the great things in life is to meet like-minded partners, everyone sing and work,hand in hand, walk forward together. Everyone who joins Mur Mur Lab is a partner we identify with, and we share the same values: the pursuit of beauty, the integrity of hard work, and will be more and more believe that light of this persistence.





Recruiting positions

O 技术主管 1 名 Technical Director 1 position


1. 拥有建筑学学位,5年以上施工图设计经验,有丰富的设计校审经验;
2. 能全面协调进度计划、组织控制扩初设计,施工图设计及施工配合等工作;
3. 熟练使用AutoCAD, SketchUp和 Microsoft Office等软件;
4. 关注中国优秀独立事务所的发展,愿意长期参与事务所的设计与技术管理工作。

Job Description: cooperate with chief architect and project architect, fully control the the depth and quality of the preliminary design and construction process.

1. Hold a degree in architecture, more than 5 years of construction drawing design experience, has experience in design revision ;
2. Capable of fully coordinate schedule planning, organization control and expansion of the initial design, construction drawing design and construction cooperation and other work;
3. Skilled in software such as AutoCAD, SketchUp and Microsoft Office;
4. Focus on the development of China’s outstanding independent firm, willing to participate in the design and technical management of the firm for a long time.

O 项目建筑师 2 名 Project Architect 2 positions


1. 拥有建筑学本科或以上学位,2-3年各类型项目专业设计经历;
2. 熟练使用AutoCAD, SketchUp, Rhinoceros, Adobe 和 Microsoft Office等软件。

Job Description: Lead the design team under the guidance of the chief architect (partner). Capable of leading the design team and comprehensive coordination scheme design, expansion of the initial design, construction drawing design and construction cooperation and other work.

1. With bachelor or above degree in architecture, 2-3 years various types of professional practice;
2. Skilled in software such as AutoCAD, SketchUp, Rhinoceros, Adobe, and Microsoft Office.

O 实习建筑师 (长期招募)Intern architect (long-term recruitment)

实习申请的岗位分为:设计助理 和 研究助理。

研究助理以志愿者形式,参与Mur Mur Lab建筑学理论研究的讨论,文字整理,发表;以及模型制作,设计竞赛等研究型的工作内容。

1. 面向在校同学及应届毕业生,辅助团队进行设计工作;
2. 热爱设计,积极主动,学习能力强,具备团队协作能力、执行力强;
3. 熟练使用常用绘图软件;
4. 实习时间不低于2个月。

Internship contains two categories: design assistants and research assistants.

The design assistant assists in the design, deepening and landing of the actual project, and the end of the internship can be considered for a positive turn. Research assistant is voluntary position. Participate in the Mur Mur Lab architecture theory research, the discussion of publish work; as well as model making, design competitions, etc.

1. For students and new graduates, support the team to carry out the design work;
2. Love design, proactive, strong learning ability, team cooperation ability, strong execution;
3. Familiar with common drawing software;
4. Internship time not less than two months .


How to apply

Please send your resume, portfolio to: murmurlab@163.com

Mur Mur Lab官网:www.murmurlab.cn



