Newly designed “ruck-tote” for ROOTOTE by nendo

A bag with the comfort of backpack and the convenience of tote bag

Project Specs


感谢 nendo 予 gooood 分享以下内容。更多关于他们:nendo on gooood
Appreciation towards nendo for providing the following description:


▼将背包与手提袋结合,A bag combining the convenience of tote bag and backpack ©Akihiro Yoshida

Because the straps and opening of a tote bag are on top, the wearer finds it easy to check the bag’s contents or take things in and out of the bag while the bag remains shouldered. Meanwhile, the straps of a backpack are on the sides so as to fit closely to the wearer’s body, and the combination of the straps’ cushioning and adjustable lengths make backpacks structurally less tiring to carry. A bag was therefore designed in hopes of combining the convenience of both: the sense of a backpack on the go and the ease of packing and unpacking items in a tote bag.

▼设计草图,design sketch ©nendo


The bag’s warped pentagon shape shifts its center of gravity forward, so the heavier its contents, the more the wearer can handle the bag like a rucksack carried over one shoulder. With the bag slightly tilted back and its opening facing up, its contents can be accessed as readily as from a tote bag. Details and the buckle of the shoulder strap mimic those found on backpacks as closely as possible. By contrast, the use of canvas, often associated with totes, allows the hybrid nature of the bag to become not only a functional feature but also a visual characteristic.

▼五边形设计使重心前倾,pentagon shape shifts its center of gravity forward ©Akihiro Yoshida

▼物品越沉,越类似单肩包的使用方式,the heavier its contents, the more the wearer can handle the bag like a rucksack ©Akihiro Yoshida

▼将包斜挎至背后,with the bag slightly tilted back ©Akihiro Yoshida

▼侧口袋方便取物,side pockets for easy access  ©Akihiro Yoshida

▼上方开口方便取用物品,its opening facing up, its contents can be accessed readily ©Akihiro Yoshida

▼背包材质及肩带细节,details of material and strap ©Akihiro Yoshida

More: nendo        更多关于他们:nendo on gooood

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