Shuyang Art Gallery, Jiangsu by Architectural Design and Research Institute of Zhejiang University

Opening and closing of the three-color volumes

Project Specs


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Project Overview


This project is located in the hometown of traditional calligraphy, Shuyang, Jiangsu province, and is positioned as the calligraphy art gallery to display and inherit Shuyang calligraphic style.

▼项目鸟瞰,bird-view ©赵强


Design Concept


The concept of architecture abstracts the most fundamental three colors, black, white and red of Chinese calligraphy from rice-paper, brush-pen, seal and creates a pure space experience with pure colors. The aesthetic interest of the calligraphy in the architectural layout referring to Zheng Banqiao’s calligraphic style is to respond to the ideological and practical work, the light and heavy, and the opening and closing of the calligraphy through controlling the size of the building, the space, the contrast of the materials and so on.

▼项目由黑红白三色建筑体块组成,the project consists of black, red and white building blocks ©赵强

▼建筑体量大小和材质对比契合书法艺术中虚实聚散等变化,the comparison of the size and material of the building is consistent with the changes in calligraphy art ©赵强


Design Strategy


The largest exhibition hall along the street has the red-bricked exterior wall, like a condensed seal printed on the elegant scroll of ink and wash. The way of cutting the corner through the arc surface strengthens the iconic character of the building along the street, forming a unique lasting appeal. Red brick is Yixing clay brick, adopting three kinds of lining according to the different locations. The lower brick head outstand the wall, and the upper part intrudes the wall, and cut part is flatly lined, forming different textures.

▼红色展厅如一枚印于画卷上的刻章,the red exhibition hall is like a condensed seal printed on the scroll of ink and wash ©赵强

▼建筑局部采用弧形削切,cutting the corner of the buildings in curved shape ©赵强

▼外墙砖块构造出不同的肌理感,bricks on facade forming different textures ©赵强


The tranquil water in the entrance is set up to keep off the noise of the outside world, and the visitors are introduced into the gallery by a bridge on the surface of the water. The continuous transition of space makes the visitors compose the mind quickly before entering the exhibition hall.

▼入口水面面的平桥将游客引入展厅,visitors are introduced into the gallery by a bridge on the surface of the water ©赵强


The ink volume and angle are cut and painted with dark grey fluorocarbon paint, and the wall presents a subtle color change in the blue sky, such as the giant stone, such as the ink block, with a simple and profound texture. At the bottom of the body, the rounded corners are processed to show the sense of gravity in calligraphy. The white volume selects prefabricated concrete hanging board, and the surface is treated with vertical chisel, such as rice-paper, which formed delightful contrast to the smooth and fine ink surface. The bottom of the body is overhanging to show a floating state, reflecting the spirit of detachment in calligraphy.

▼白色体量选用预制混凝土挂板,表面均做竖向凿毛处理,white volume selects prefabricated concrete hanging board, and the surface is treated with vertical chisel ©赵强

▼墨色体量角部均施以削切,以深灰色氟碳漆喷涂,ink volume and angle are cut and painted with dark grey fluorocarbon paint ©赵强


The space relationship is controlled by the layout of “sparse enough to run horse, dense enough with no needle”. It is close to keep a narrow lane of only 2 meters wide. Both sides are pure black and white volume, making people feel to walk among the books. The space will turn to open courtyard and create an open space effect.

▼黑白体块相映成趣,ink and white blocks are in contrast and harmony ©赵强

▼体块间的窄巷,narrow lane  ©赵强


All the exhibition halls are open space without columns, which can be arranged freely according to the exhibition needs. Glass corridor connects the exhibition halls, in order to facilitate continuous exhibition. In the middle of the red bricked exhibition hall, there are light wells through 3 floors, which creates bright and transparent indoor space.

▼展馆后门,展厅之间通过玻璃连廊相连,back door,  glass corridor connects the exhibition halls ©赵强


There is a gray space in the way that the volume of the body is dug in introverted manner, and the outdoor space can be extended into the indoor rest area. The tourists can enjoy the interesting space experience during the visit.

▼局部向内挖形成灰色空间,gray space in the way that the volume of the body is dug in introverted manner  ©赵强


The paved road and roofed courtyards are inspired by the abstract pattern of the ink spreading. Through the different grayscale changes of the granites in the paved fields, an ink painting is formed.

▼景观铺地及屋顶庭院,paved road and roofed courtyards ©赵强

▼屋顶庭院构成了水墨画卷,roofed courtyards are inspired by the abstract pattern of the ink spreading ©赵强

▼室内展厅,interior exhibition room ©赵强

▼项目模型,model ©浙江大学建筑设计研究院

▼概念图,concept drawing ©浙江大学建筑设计研究院

▼场地平面,plan of the site ©浙江大学建筑设计研究院

▼建筑一层平面,plan of the first floor ©浙江大学建筑设计研究院

▼剖面,sections ©浙江大学建筑设计研究院

项目面积:10475 m2


Project Name: Shuyang Art Gallery
Project Location: Intersection of South Nanhu Road and Xueyuan Road, Shuyang County, Suqian City, Jiangsu Province, China
Project Type: Art Gallery
Project Area: 10475 m2
Design Scope: Architecture, Structure, Water Supply and Drainage, Electric, Heating and Ventilation, Landscape

Architectural Design: The Architectural Design & Research Institute of Zhejiang University Co., Ltd. (UAD) (
Chief Designer: DONG Danshen
Design Team: CHEN Jian, NI Jian, CAI Yi
Photographer: ZHAO Qiang

More: 浙江大学建筑设计研究院有限公司。更多关于:Architectural Design and Research Institute of Zhejiang University on gooood

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