An unexpected treat brought by Japanese gardens

Project Specs


非常感谢 木答答木 予gooood分享以下内容。更多关于他们:MDDM STUDIO on gooood
Appreciation towards MDDM STUDIO for providing the following description:


The building is located at the corner of a busy intersection where office towers and lower residential units meet. The small scale of the volume compared to the surrounding buildings invited to create a design simple and in the same time conspicuous. The building just kept the structural elements of the previous construction and its now hosting a bar and restaurant.

▼钢板盒子标示出入口,a steel box protrudes out to sign the entrance ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud

建筑的规则体量与相邻分界线齐平, 实心和半透明材料的交替形成表面的韵律。只有一个突出的深色的钢板围合成一个盒子标志着入口。通过一种对应的方式,几个不透明的方形体量通过玩味地摆放形成内部功能和流线。


The regular volume of the building alternates solid and semi-transparent surfaces aligned with the neighbour delimitation. Only a dark steel box protrudes out to sign the entrance. With a mirrored approach, internally the functions and circulation are arranged around a play of solid boxes and carved out spaces.

The façade design controls the privacy of the interior space by alternating wood louvres with solid white stone while the steel box of the entrance hides a secret Japanese garden that trespass the slab on the second floor.

▼实心和半透明材料的交替形成表面的韵律,the regular volume of the building alternates solid and semi-transparent surfaces ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud


▼一层平面图,ground floor plan ©MDDM STUDIO

On the ground floor, the space is arranged around three main material volumes: the steel box of the entrance and the Japanese garden, a white terrazzo box that hosts the restroom and the access to the service area and finally a wood cube that separates the whiskey bar from the reception area. The boxes are detached from the ceiling which is the bare concrete slab of the second floor. The soft seating area enjoy the privacy provide by the louver façade but it still has a view on the streetscape. A small garden in between the louver and the glass façade enrich the corner of the lounge while increasing physical distance to the busy street.

▼一层休息室,the lounge on the ground floor ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud

▼从吧台望向休息室,view to the lounge from the bar ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud

▼柔和的座位区可以看到街景,the soft seating area has a view on the streetscape ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud

▼休息室细部,interior detailed view ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud


The bar is placed inside a wooden box to increase the privacy one level more. Comfortable seats and a low counter convey a relaxed environment.

▼木箱中的吧台,the bar is placed inside a wooden box ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud


▼二层平面图,second floor plan ©MDDM STUDIO

The second floor instead follow the spatial organization of two concentric cubes: an inner core in wood which host the kitchen and the dining rooms of the Sushi Restaurant and an outer volume in white stone as the façade that distributes the circulation of the costumers to reach the sushi bar and the VIP room.

▼二层走廊,corridor on the second floor ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud


Another Japanese garden is an unexpected treat for the guest of the Sushi Bar. From inside, the view enjoys the beauty of the garden as well as the busy cityscape filtered by the wood louver of the façade.

▼带有日式花园的寿司吧,the Sushi Bar with a Japanese garden ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud

▼寿司吧细节,Sushi Bar ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud

▼走廊上的花园景观,view to the garden from the corridor ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud

▼贵宾室,VIP room ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud

设计团队: Margret Domko, Momo Andrea Destro, Amirlin Sunderiya.
业主: 私人
摄影: Jonathan Leijonhufvud

Team: Margret Domko, Momo Andrea Destro, Amirlin Sunderiya.
Client: Private
Photos: Jonathan Leijonhufvud

More:木答答木 。更多关于他们:MDDM STUDIO on gooood

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